Shipto File

These instructions are for Navigator File Management. For information on File Maintenance in the Green Screen (AS400), refer to File Maintenance File Maintenance

Use the Shipto File to store information about alternate locations to which you can ship merchandise for customers. Enter shipto records only for customer locations that you ship to regularly. You can enter one-time shipping destinations directly into the Order Entry Program. If the only shipping address for a customer is the address that is in the Billto File record, you don't need to enter shipping records for that customer.

In most cases, customers with multiple stores or locations will have multiple Billto File records created, and not necessarily multiple shipto records. We recommend using multiple Billto records whenever applicable, because this allows greater flexibility than shipto records. For example, Billto records can each have separate pricing structures.

Shipto records do not provide as many features. Billto records can also be linked together using the chain code and A/R Account# fields. The Shipto File should be used primarily to provide street addresses when the related Billto File record contains a post office box.